Those sellers who reserve both Saturday and Sunday.
Those sellers who reserve the same space Friday, Saturday & Sunday in the Annex area.
Note: We have limited spaces available to reserve in the annex.
Those sellers who reserve a space under the permanent structure.
Those sellers who do not reserve the same space but purchase a space in advance.
Those sellers who purchase a space day of event.
You can walk up to the office any time during regular business hours and see a list of available spaces to reserve. If you like a space, you can purchase that space on a reserve status. Remember that you can only reserve these spaces if you are going to purchase them on both Saturday and Sunday.
Note – some spaces may be sold through our bid system
You can check with the office periodically to get information on which (if any) space(s) are available. These spaces have to be purchased for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on a reserve basis.
You can walk up to the office any time during regular business hours and see a list of available spaces to reserve in the main structure. If you like a space, you can purchase that space on reserve status. Remember that you can only reserve these spaces if you are going to purchase them Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
Price includes Friday, Saturday & Sunday rent as well as shed, awning, and electricity. If we do not have any spaces available, we will either add you to our waiting list or tell you when our next bid will be held.
The first opportunity to purchase Daily Annex spaces is through a bid which is held every second Friday of each month at 2:30pm. The winning bid will give you the right to purchase the space for the entire upcoming month. If you do not purchase a space through the bid, you can purchase a space through the lottery explained in the next section. Finally, after the lottery, you can either purchase a space in the office or in our Friday afternoon lineup for Annex spaces.
These spaces will be sold one month in advance. We have a lottery for these spaces the third Friday of every month at 2:30 pm in the office. Vendors will have the right to purchase a space for the entire upcoming month. After that, all spaces for the month are available for purchase.
You can always come out on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning and purchase a space for the day of the event only. These spaces are sold through our Vendor Line Up system: Friday 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. and Saturday and Sunday 5:00 am to 9:00 am.

A beautiful sigh of nostalgia. Authentic gastronomy, music & an endless selection of actual Latino products. An assortment of childhood-like attractions and overall, unmatched affordable prices.
It feels like home!